Bridging good hearts with good resources.

The Heir Certification Program is here to raise the level of excellence of your sound team. This serves as a phenominal first step for anyone desiring to serve in your sound ministry, no matter their prior experience. With the same education, comes a unity in language, understanding, and practice.

We know what you're thinking...

How do you quantify becoming more effective behind the sound board?

Participants will receive an early knowledge assessment to track personal growth in real time.

How do you measure the return of an audio engineering course?

There are numerous ways this certification course generates a return on investment. Specifically focusing on Education, Personal Approach, and Team Cohesion.

What you know will inherently impact not only what you do, but how you do it, and how effective you are.

How do I know that no matter how strong I am as an audio engineer, that this certification course can help me?

We've worked with many audio engineers who have superior expertise and in-depth understanding of our industry's tools. According to their insights:

1. This certification course acted as a strong refresher and sparked their interest to delve deeper into our teaching topics.

And 2. Their entire team undergoing this training introduced a more efficient language to align with.

What do others say about their experience with you and the certification course?

From River City Church, AZ:

Comment: We highly recommend Tofer and Heir Certified! Our church is 8 years old and we came to a point of growth where we needed to expand and grow our vision for our AV Team. Tofer consulted with us, was able to give us options that fit both our needs and budget. His vast knowledge and insight made the process so smooth. Our Sound, Media and AV Teams were so blessed to work with him, and his spirit of love and excellence was felt by all. Our worship experience is now at another level! Thank you Heir Certified.